Payment & Security

Payment & Security


Full payment should be made in advance before reserving and renting your selected products.

Any delay in payment will not be accepted, and the vehicles will be handed over to you only after the complete amount is paid.

We ensure that hirers receive their paid receipts if no amount is due. Do not pay any amount till you receive your paid receipts online.

The bike remains in your custody till the rental period and should be safely returned after use.

Daily bookings are for 24 hours (except some we rent for 12 hours, where it is specifically mentioned)

Hourly bookings are for a minimum period of 5 hours.

Security Deposit

Hirers are required to pay a specific amount as a security deposit. This security deposit is collected so that if any damage is caused to the vehicle, the amount can be depreciated from your security deposit.

On safely returning the rental product, the entire safety deposit amount is handed back to the customer.

If any damage is brought to the product, the amount is deducted from your security deposit, and the balance amount is returned.

This amount you paid is refundable and entitled to adjustments only under certain specific cases.

All the essential documents of the vehicles are provided to customers as soon as they fulfil all the requirements and agree to all the terms and conditions.

Call us for further information. RentOnn customer care is here to help you anytime.

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